Merry Tai Chi and Qigong

Merry Tai Chi and Qigong

My qigong class is ideal for everyone. Emphasis on breath, energy awareness and movement is what it's all about in this class.

This is a great starting place for anyone rehabbing an injury, joint replacement, stroke recovery, and especially anyone in recovery from long covid or an illness. I teach this class with emphasis on staying within your range of comfort, even if that is only sitting and breathing.

I also teach Yang 24 and Sun 73 along with most of the Tai Chi for Health forms: Tai Chi for Arthritis, Tai Chi for Diabetes, Tai Chi for Energy. Experience and knowledge of Dr. Lam's Tai Chi for Arthritis is encouraged for optimal enjoyment of these classs, but not required.

I teach my tai chi with an emphasis on principles, in a simplified/modified style (ideal for those of us that do not wish to train for the Olympics )